
Showing posts from June, 2005

It Feels Good.

Some time a small gesture makes you feel good. The other day I received this sms from bhabhi. Apart from general things she told as these are days of extreme heat I should take care and take nimbu paani regulary. How sweet :).

Share It!

Somewhere I read that your happiness increases and your unhappiness decreases when you share them with somebody. And I just cannot tell you how true is this. For the last couple of months things were not working out well, agree those were created by me only and I was making myself suffer (As they say everything is there in your mind , the way you react makes vulnerable or strong in the given situation). I shared my emotional worries and insecurities with one of my friend, my sis and my dad. And voila, I am feeling much better. I just can’t tell how relieved I am these days. All these days I knew that my suffering is self created and did not hold any ground. At the first place I want very sure about my feelings for her. I myself could never justify the special place she had developed in my life. I was never convinced myself , and during those days I remember the intense fight between my head and heart. And predictably heart won :o) . O kahte hain na heart wants , what it want. There is ...

Best Ever Trip To Home :)

Spent 3 days at home and this was the best trip ever to home. It was after 2 and half years we all were at home and all of us were free this time to enjoy ourselves to the max. We even visited the village were we spent some 4-5 years in our early childhood. And haan this time I took flight to home :o).