
Showing posts from February, 2006

A Generation Awakens!

What kind of awakening is this? Unless we are rubbed in the wrong way, do we care? We  don’t. But we should. We the lot of argumentative Indians. Don’t preach , Act. Majority of problems and issues can be addressed and fixed by bottom up approach. All we need is, self discipline . Stop blaming. System is what WE make it to be. We are very much part of All the Systems. To change the system, we need to change ourselves. Stop cribbing. Be the change you want to see in the society, in the system. Lets don’t do any thing which we know is not correct but we still do because we don’t care and have this “ chalta hai ” attitude.  All we require is to be self disciplined.

This gotta be last post about her!

Came across this piece of writing on web. And this pretty well reflect my case. He wants to get over this girl he has been in love with for a long time. He feels that when he is thinking straight, he can see it is a lost cause. But alas, love and rational thinking rarely go hand in hand. Hence this dear friend of mine finds himself trapped in this vicious circle of hope, disappointment, more hope and more disappointment. So he has asked me to forward this email to him, to give him a reality check, each time I find him falling back into the pit. Move on dude! It's V-Day, and for a loner like me, well at least when it comes to the concept of V-Days, it really is not significant. For me everyday is V-Day and I don't believe in having a special one day in a year to make it special, to mush around with someone and generally have a good time. I don't know where all these feelings are emanating from, probably it's because I have felt this way for a long time, or I feel this wa...

Me, muzic buff?
