
Showing posts from July, 2006

Web 2.0 !

Content generation (as in blogging; uploading various kinds of files) and consumption thereof is the single most important idea WEB 2.0 is based on. Then there are many social networking sites around, friendster , myspace , meetup , orkut , yaari , hi5 , ryze , linkedIn to name a few. Few web 2.0 companies are coming in this space. Then there was that last from 1997 to 2001. More or less all these networking sites can be said to based on the concept of six degrees of separation , according to this anyone on earth can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances with no more than five intermediaries . And almost all of these sites offer same features, scrapbook, testimonials, photo gallery, and blogs. All of these come for free. Then ad remains only way of getting revenues. Then like no of eyeballs for TV programs, no of unique user define the sponsorship. But with so many sites around on the web wide world, which is not limited b...

Whisky tastes aweful!

Even if that is 12 years old black label :-0)

When will this stop!

Or will it stop ever? This is reality of present world and we have to live with cowardly acts of terrorism. I don’t understand what point they are trying to drive home. I hate to say but terrorism acts cannot be prevented, we can hardly take proactive measures but perhaps reactions can be channelized in proper way. If you want some help or can provide some, please visit Mumbai help . Post script : Or perhaps a more efficient intellegence can help prevent these acts.