
Showing posts from February, 2007

Past is the Prologue!!

What makes a movie, movie? Stars? Story? Entertainment value? Cinematography? Dialogue? I'll say its the amalgamation of all these and more. Consider movie as an art form and watch Black Friday , the release of this movie delayed for three good long years. The movie is essentially adaptation of the book by same name , though i have not read the book and usually movies made as adaptation of book does not create the same effect of book (Harry Potter being exception :D), this movie stands out from other such effort. The way the story is presented, without being judgemental and showing the facts with emotional dittachment is remarkable, movie is based on 1993 bomb blast in Bombay. Going back in the past and unravelling the plot. Cinematography is good, all the scence captured with red frame, showing interogation by police , interspersed with original clippings of Babari Musjid demolition, and blast sites creates good effect. All the chacters have done justice with there respective role...

ख्वाब !!

आधे अधुरे ख्वाब जो, पुरे ना हो सके, इक बार फिर से नीन्द मे,वो ख्वाब बोने दो !!