Anything That Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong !!
Who is the Murphy anyway? Who ever he is, he makes his presence felt when you are least likely expecting him. Sometime he acts as spanner in the wheel and other just a deflated tyre. But for sure you , me and others are affected by him day-in , day-out. Him affecting us can be minimized but the thought of altogether removing his presence would be a foolhardy one. However we can be better prepared to tackle anything and everything which may, potentially, go wrong. By paying attention to detail . Even before you start executing, a well thought out plan should be in place. This is the " well thought out " part of the planning I am stressing at. Proper care should be taken in initial planning so as to capture all necessary activities needed to complete the task. While listing down activities you would know what could possibly go wrong while executing the task. And that's where you need to have your contingency management in place. Which can be arrived at by "what i...