
Showing posts from November, 2005

Of Religion, Spirituality and Godman !

The first thing I do in the morning is to get that day’s newspaper and head directly to the loo. Around a week back or so there was this four-page supplement along with The Hindu dedicated to satya sai baba on His birthday. That left me wondering about this self proclaimed God. Does he really deserves a full four pages of coverage in a news paper none other than the stature of The Hindu, which surely is class apart from the ilk of TOIs and DCs. That led me to some search on net about sai baba and others of same genre. And came across quite a good amount of controversy about him. This post is not about if this guy is right or wrong. Rather I think I put forward my point of view on matters related to this. I wont argue if there is God or not and any such non conclusive debate issues. This will be about why they believe in them. I think every human being is a seeker in some way or other. Some how every body wants to understand oneself and ones relation with everybody else in the larger sc...

Give up but dont give in!

They say, don’t give up yaar. But at times you have to. You gotta accept your limitations and understand your capabilities. Being realistic is not being defeatist. I dream you dream and every body dreams. But that has to be realistic, I cannot possibly give any competition to SRK :-0) but yes I can do something which he or for that matter many others cannot do. I have that believe in my capabilities and me. But at the same time you have to be realistic in your expectations. So this is all about understanding your limitations and accepting the same. Some things are not in your hand but whatever is in your hand you have to do that, and do that best.

Being a Woman !

Woman : one of the most prized creation of the nature ! Nature had created both male and female as complementory to each other , to serve certain specific purpose on this earth. I percieve them to be equal yet unequal. The unequality lies in the anotomy and to a certain extent thought processes owing to the natural differences of two species. I have been thinking of starting a blog for quite a sometime , but procastination :0). I have been a regular visitor of blogosphere.And today i came across few blogs with posts on woman with quite a few intresting ideas and thoughts. And then i decided into taking a plunge in the much talked about blog word. And here i am utilising the freedom bestowed upon we humanfolk by MD Linthicum. Being born and brought up in India , rather north India , my views can be guided by the social structure of the same. And much of my ideas and thoughts are guided by Indian culture. And in the private space of the web I'll try to focus more on issues than on ev...