Being a Woman !

Woman : one of the most prized creation of the nature ! Nature had created both male and female as complementory to each other , to serve certain specific purpose on this earth. I percieve them to be equal yet unequal. The unequality lies in the anotomy and to a certain extent thought processes owing to the natural differences of two species.
I have been thinking of starting a blog for quite a sometime , but procastination :0). I have been a regular visitor of blogosphere.And today i came across few blogs with posts on woman with quite a few intresting ideas and thoughts. And then i decided into taking a plunge in the much talked about blog word. And here i am utilising the freedom bestowed upon we humanfolk by MD Linthicum. Being born and brought up in India , rather north India , my views can be guided by the social structure of the same. And much of my ideas and thoughts are guided by Indian culture. And in the private space of the web I'll try to focus more on issues than on events.
With the increased female litracy and associated wider exposure and refind thought process the great Indian middle class (I being from a middle class family can relate more with this part of indian population) started treating both boy and girl at par. There are some inevitable differences , which the humankind dont have control over , we all need to accept and acknowledge these. But apart from them I believe male and female are and should be equal in all respects (softer skills). Other differences comes from the upbringing and the social structure we are part of from birth till death. And lets admit it , we , as in the male chauvinist indian society still consider girls as second fiddle to boys. And though the society as such is male dominated , the situation more or less is accepted and encouraged by females as well. They usually resigned to the fact that they have to be behind males. And they accept it whole heartedly.Which i think should change . Equality means , equality in all spheres. We gotta share responsibily and as there is nothing as male domain or female domain , both of them should understand and appreciate nuances of each other and female folks should consider themselves at par with males. This may bruise some male ego , but we have to keep it aside. The development and growth of family , society and nation will come from equality. And i believe both of us are equally responsible to make it happen.
When a guy reaches marriagable age an oft repeated question to them is which one you prefer as wife , a homemaker or a cow. I anytime prefer an ambisious person . As boys and girls , all are well educated , and that too professionally , it does not make sense for a person , usually girl , to stay back at home . For me satisfaction is doing something which give me sense of accomplishment.If i have ambitions and carreer aspiration , my wife could as well have and she should pursue the same.I am not undermining the home making an easy task but the fact now is , we dont need that kind of attention and physical presence required earlier , say 10-15 years back , to complete daily house hold chores . Its not worth for a person to remain unproductive for quite a significant chunck of time daily.
It would be definatly not easy when they start family.But i think with proper understanding and shared responsibility a couple can do that.Though the desicion of taking up and pursuing career or doning the role of home maker is very individualistic and personal for any girl , that should be informed decision without some kindda sacrifice string attached . My emphasis remain on the shared responsibility. And moreover any decision should be well informed and without any regret.
Carreer is one of the most important decision a well educated girl should take. But this is what finally brought me to the world of blogging today. I never knew , at least this wasnt the case in and around my family, if that was the case unless some freak incident happend in the college. But isnt that ridiculous.I feel womanfolks have to break this and any other such mental blocks. I subscribe to this fitting reaction. My views on religion sometime later.
I see fairer sex in very high spirit and have very respect for them. I usually avoid regular guy talks regarding girls. Consider this : she had put put on inviting dress and hence its the mistake of girl if boys misbehave with her. And all those dirl friend and wife material story.Gimme a break guys. We all have freedom to chose and live life.Just because you are boys you cannot blame girls for being enticing and something. You better have control over your adrnalin flow.Please stop treating girls as commodity. And i feel this commodity mentality is what even girls subscribe to. See this : dont follw her , she is already booked. Booked ? How demeaning . Is she a tv or something. And this coming from a friend of mine , girl , suggests that even girls are not sitting back ank taking note of the same.These things are so common place that i think even girls are taking these as normal.
But thats not correct.Change this mentality.I really feel girls are equally responsible for the prevailing situation by accepting them.They gotta break free. The conventional and traditional way not neccessarily right. Sit back , think and react. We have to differentiate good from bad and ugly.
something i admire about girls are their emotinal strength.Contrary to popular believe i feel that girls are emotionally more stronger than boys.
Ummm,,there are many ideas but i think i m lacking coherancy.May be i'll put togather my thoughts and come back soon. One thing is sure : being woman is not easy.
Stay Hungry,Stay foolish.


Anonymous said…
Nice stuff, if all the young guys in India start thinking a little like you, things will be so much nicer (as they should be). Though i really hope u didn't write this stuff just coz it sounds good and mean atleast some of it. Have fun blogging.

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