E-Zone Sucks !

Visit E-Zone only to check out products of various brands and their prices. Once you have made up your mind based on the features you are looking for in a particular product, just get out the shop and visit regular old timers electronics shop to buy the stuff. Treat E-Zone only a place to compare features of a product and perhaps prices too. Coz , even if you save few bucks here they have pathetic after sales support as in delivery itself. Once the money is paid they think there part is done with. You will not receive the delivery of the goods as promised.
I bought a tv, refrigerator and a food processor from this place. Surprisingly they did deliver tv and refrigerator on time but missed to deliver food processor. Then started endless calls to ezone. With every call all I here is by tomorrow the stuff would be delivered. As they say, tomorrow never comes. I needed to go back and threaten them to get the delivery next day.
Once bitten twice shy!! In my case I repeated the mistake of going back to them for buying water purifier. They do have all available brands for the product and that’s where they stand out. But I wish they do take bit effort to service that as well. So I bought the water purifier and they promised that somebody would come within 48 working hours to install it. That day being Saturday 48 hours means coming Tuesday. Fair enough. It was only after three such Tuesdays and n numbers of calls to them the installation was done.
Buying a product does not stops with paying for it. The whole buying experience start with the visit to the store and not until you have started using it the involvement of the company ends. So having competitive price (I doubt if they are really competitive) is one part of it. Any company needs to ensure that they have support for customer till they start using the product and also after sale proper service. Only being cost effective does not suffice. You have to support it with equally good support and service. Unless E-Zone does that , my verdict is E-Zone sucks.

By the way we are almost done with setting up our home :)


A K Verma said…
They have a large nos. of costomers visiting and purchasing articles there every day . It is their policy to first sale the articles ssuccessfully then let the costomers run for other benifits . Next time try some less known shops .

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