What Next !!

Lets face it, our current government has been a complete failure in tackling the securities issues. And intelligence department,, huh,, is complete farce. I know a person working with IB , claiming that the department runs on paper clippings, news articles and its source of information are media coverages. Even if you take that with a pinch of a salt, that is like WTF?.We need complete revamp of intelligence system.Not to forget about change in help at home department. Some news paper rightly commented that Shivraj Patil is the most incompetent home minister ever. Home , foreign , defence and finance ministry all need some dynamic and aggressive leaders. Not to miss the prime minister. All these guys needs balls to take some decision above from party politics. Do they have in them to take some decision and stand by it , similar to testing nuke??

Thats for government , lets look inward at ourselves, we the people of India. Proud to be an Indian?? For what ?? The poverty , the backwardness, the petty politics, the vulnerable security. Huh!! We are no where near even China. The all this talk of being superpower is just bullshit. To be a superpower , a developed nation we have to rise above just armchair intelectualism . Now is the time to stop talking and start doing.Most importantly change in attitude of each and every citizen of India is required. Boss it is not somebody else problem. For God's sake ye nahi chalta hai. Change starts from within. Lets be the change neccessary to make India the superpower. Enough is enough.


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